The Dream...
Thank you for visiting! We’ve been working hard out in the field, not so much on this site.
But it’s all a process, right?
I mean, here we are, two 40 something year olds (for now, gulp) trying our hand at farming…and finding out that we LOVE it.
But it is definitely a process. We have a lot to learn but we’re enjoying every step.
We don’t exactly know where this endeavor will take us, but we know it will be exciting and we’d love you to follow along. We definitely need some cheerleaders! Because one thing we know for sure is growing stuff is not easy.
(Hats off to the true farmers out there!)
Anyway, to summarize, we are not sure what we’re doing exactly but we are in the process of figuring it out.
Thanks again for visiting and we hope to see you soon.
Happily growing for tomorrow, whatever that may bring.
~ Katie and Chris (and the critters)
The dream is cloudy.
What we know is that we are growing blueberries and cut flowers. We are hoping to have some type of “you pick” or a farm stand (think flower bar) but it’s all just a blurry vision at this point.
But while it seems cloudy now, It will be clear….eventually.